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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - stiff


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прил. 1) эк. крепкий, устойчивый (рынок) 2) эк. высокий (о ценах) 3) фин. =bill 4) фин. поддельный чек See: cheque STIFF прил. 1) крепкий, устойчивый (рынок) 2) высокий (о ценах) - stiff monetary policy
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  1) жёсткий 2) тугоподвижный, ригидный 3) окоченевший, застывший 4) сильнодействующий ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. вексель 2. поддельная банкнота 3. поддельный чек 4. тайное письмо; секретное послание; записка переданная тайком 5. нескладеха 6. босяк, бродяга 7. зануда, "сухарь" 8. жадина, сквалыга 9. мертвецки пьяный человек 10. труп, мертвец 11. участник соревнования, обреченный на неудачу (особ. о скаковой лошади); пустой номер 12. парень, человек lucky stiff —- счастливчик poor stiff —- бедолага 13. ам. рабочий (особ. неквалифицированный); работяга; батрак 14. жесткий, крепкий; тугой, неэластичный stiff brush —- жесткая щетка stiff cardboard —- твердый картон 15. окоченевший, застывший; оцепеневший stiff with rheumatism —- скованный ревматизмом stiff in death —- окоченевший (застывший) (о трупе) a stiff one —- труп, мертвец to be stiff with cold —- окоченеть от холода my legs feel stiff —- у меня ноги совершенно онемели, у меня ноги как деревянные I feel stiff —- я не могу ни согнуться, ни разогнуться I am stiff around the neck —- я голову не могу повернуть 16. напряженный, деревянный stiff smile —- застывшая улыбка stiff face —- напряженное (деревянное) лицо stiff style —- вымученный стиль 17. плохо действующий, тугоподвижный stiff hinges —- тугие петли the door is stiff —- дверь не открывается the handle is stiff —- ручка не поворачивается 18. полужидкий; вязкий, густой,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) тугой, негибкий, неэластичный; жесткий; stiff cardboard - негнущийся картон  2) окостеневший; одеревенелый; stiff in death - застывший, окоченевший (о трупе); he has a stiff leg - у него нога онемела; I have a stiff neck - мне надуло в шею; I feel stiff - не могу ни согнуться, ни разогнуться  3) плотный, густой; stiff dough - густое тесто  4) непреклонный, непоколебимый; stiff denial - решительный отказ  5) натянутый, холодный, чопорный; stiff bow - церемонный поклон  6) трудный; stiff task - нелегкая задача; stiff examination - трудный экзамен  7) сильный (о ветре)  8) сильнодействующий; крепкий (о напитке); a stiff doze of medicine - сильная доза лекарства  9) чрезмерный (о требовании и т.п.)  10) устойчивый (о ценах, рынке)  11) строгий (о наказании, приговоре и т.п.)  12) неловкий, неуклюжий  13) predic.; coll. до изнеможения, до смерти; they bored me stiff - я чуть не умер от тоски, скуки; I was scared stiff - я перепугался до смерти to keep a stiff upper lip -  а) проявлять твердость характера;  б) сохранять присутствие духа; держаться молодцом as stiff as a poker - чопорный; словно аршин проглотил  2. noun; sl.  1) поддельный чек  2) вексель  3) бродяга  4) формалист, педант  5) труп ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) жесткий 2) жесткостный 3) малоподвижный 4) негибкий 5) неупругий 6) сильный 7) трудный stiff differential equation — уравнение дифференциальное жесткое - stiff algebra - stiff building - stiff chain - stiff function - stiff mortar - stiff problem - stiff rib - stiff scheme - stiff shaft - stiff stability ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 rigid; not flexible. 2 hard to bend or move or turn etc.; not working freely. 3 hard to cope with; needing strength or effort (a stiff test; a stiff climb). 4 severe or strong (a stiff breeze; a stiff penalty). 5 (of a person or manner) formal, constrained; lacking spontaneity. 6 (of a muscle or limb etc., or a person affected by these) aching when used, owing to previous exertion, injury, etc. 7 (of an alcoholic or medicinal drink) strong. 8 (predic.) colloq. to an extreme degree (bored stiff; scared stiff). 9 (foll. by with) colloq. abounding in (a place stiff with tourists). --n. sl. 1 a corpse. 2 a foolish or useless person (you big stiff). Phrases and idioms stiff neck a rheumatic condition in which the head cannot be turned without pain. stiff-necked obstinate or haughty. stiff upper lip firmness, fortitude. Derivatives stiffish adj. stiffly adv. stiffness n. Etymology: OE stif f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English stif, from Old English stif; akin to Middle Dutch stijf ~, Latin stipare to press together, Greek steibein to tread on  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. not easily bent ; rigid a ~ collar  b. lacking in suppleness or flexibility ~ muscles  c. impeded in movement — used of a mechanism a truck's ~ suspension  d. drunk 1a  2.  a. firm, resolute  b. stubborn, unyielding  c. proud  d.  (1) marked by reserve or decorum  (2) lacking in ease or grace ; stilted  3. hard fought ; pugnacious, sharp drove a ~ bargain ~ competition  4.  a.  (1) exerting great force a ~ wind  (2) forceful, vigorous  b. potent a ~ dose poured her a ~ drink  5. of a dense or glutinous consistency ; thick  6.  a. harsh, severe a ~ penalty  b. arduous, rugged ~ terrain  7. not easily heeled over by an external force (as the wind) a ~ ship  8. expensive, steep paid a ~ price  • ~ish adjective  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, rigid, inflexible mean difficult to bend. ~ may apply to any degree of this condition stretching keeps your muscles from becoming ~. rigid applies to something so ~ that it cannot be bent without breaking a rigid surfboard. inflexible stresses lack of suppleness or pliability ski boots with inflexible soles.  II. adverb  Date: 13th century  1. in a ~ manner ; ~ly  2. to an extreme degree ; severely scared ~ bored ~  3. close enough to the hole for an easy putt in golf hit it ~ and tapped it in for an easy birdie  III. noun  Date: circa 1859  1. corpse  2.  a. tramp, bum  b. a member of the working class; especially a blue-collar worker  c. person a lucky ~; especially a stodgy or excessively decorous person  3. flop, failure  IV. verb  Date: 1950  transitive verb  1.  a. to refuse to pay or tip ~ed the waiter  b. cheat ~ed him in a business deal  c. stick 7a ~ed us with the bar bill  2. snub 3 ~ed sportswriters after the game  intransitive verb to fail commercially the movie ~ed at the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (stiffer, stiffest) 1. Something that is stiff is firm or does not bend easily. His waterproof trousers were brand new and stiff... Clean the mussels with a stiff brush under cold running water. = rigid ADJ • stiffly Moira sat stiffly upright in her straight-backed chair. ADV: ADV adj, ADV with v 2. Something such as a door or drawer that is stiff does not move as easily as it should. Train doors have handles on the inside. They are stiff so that they cannot be opened accidentally. ADJ 3. If you are stiff, your muscles or joints hurt when you move, because of illness or because of too much exercise. The Mud Bath is particularly recommended for relieving tension and stiff muscles... I’m stiff all over right now–I hope I can recover for tomorrow’s race. ADJ • stiffly He climbed stiffly from the Volkswagen. ADV 4. Stiff behaviour is rather formal and not very friendly or relaxed. They always seemed a little awkward with each other, a bit stiff and formal. ADJ • stiffly ‘Why don’t you borrow your sister’s car?’ said Cassandra stiffly. ...a stiffly worded letter of complaint. ADV: ADV with v, ADV adj 5. Stiff can be used to mean difficult or severe. The film faces stiff competition for the Best Film nomination... Under Greece’s stiff anti-drugs laws they could face twenty years in jail. ADJ: usu ADJ n 6. A stiff drink is a large amount of a strong alcoholic drink. ...a stiff whisky. = large ADJ: ADJ n 7. If you are bored stiff, worried stiff, or scared stiff, you are extremely bored, worried, or scared. (INFORMAL) Anna tried to look interested. Actually, she was bored stiff... ADV: adj ADV c darkgreen]emphasis • Stiff is also an adjective. Even if he bores you stiff, it is good manners not to let him know it. ADJ: v n ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »BODY« if a part of your body is stiff or you are stiff, your muscles hurt and it is difficult to move  (Arthritis makes your joints stiff and sore. | stiff neck/back/joint)  (Alastair woke up with a stiff neck. | feel stiff)  (I felt really stiff after playing basketball last week.) 2 »DOOR/DRAWER ETC« difficult to move; bend or turn  (Pull hard - that drawer's very stiff.) 3 »PAPER/MATERIAL« hard and difficult to bend  (a sheet of stiff cardboard) 4 »MIXTURE« thick and almost solid, so that it is not easy to stir  (Beat the egg whites until stiff. | stiff dough) 5 »UNFRIENDLY« unfriendly or very formal, so that other people feel uncomfortable  (He replied in a stiff, ironic voice.) 6 »VERY HARD« more difficult, strict, or severe than usual  (stiff sentence/penalty/fine)  (There's a stiff fine for speeding. | stiff competition)  (He'll be facing stiff competition for that job.) 7 a stiff wind/breeze a fairly strong wind etc 8 a stiff drink/whisky etc a very strong alcoholic drink 9 keep a stiff upper lip to try to keep calm and not show your feelings in a situation when most people would become upset - stiffly adv - stiffness n ~2 adv 1 bored/scared/worried stiff informal extremely bored etc  (As a child I was scared stiff of going down to the cellar.) 2 frozen stiff a) extremely cold  (Joey was frozen stiff after walking through the snow.) b) cloth that has frozen stiff is hard because the water in it has become ice ~3 n slang 1 the body of a dead person 2 working stiff AmE informal an ordinary person who works to earn enough money to live ~4 v AmE informal to not pay someone money that you owe them or that they expect to be given, especially by not leaving a tip (tip1 (2)) in a restaurant ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. stif, from P.Gmc. *stifaz "inflexible," from PIE *stipos-. Meaning "working man" first recorded 1930. Noun slang meaning "a corpse" is from 1859; slang meaning "something or someone bound to lose" is 1890, from notion of "corpse." Verb meaning "fail to tip" first recorded 1939; extended by 1950 to "cheat." Stiffnecked translates L. dura cervice in Vulgate, from Gk. sklero trachelos, a lit. translation from Heb. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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